If you have a question about prices and product specifications, follow the steps in the configurator - which will only take a minute - and you will immediately receive a quote for the product, complete with the price and the specifications. You can also download all documentation or request a hard copy of the documentation file. Here you can find all the information about quality marks for roof access hatches.
If you have a question about the installation of roof access hatches, go to the manuals overview. All information on the electrical operation of Staka roof access hatches - for instance, instructions for connecting to external electrical systems - has been brought together on a special page. If you are a property owner and you are looking for a qualified building contractor to install roof access hatches on your roof, go straight to the overview of our installation partners, arranged per region. You can find answers to other frequently asked questions here.
If you cannot find the answer to your question, you can contact us directly on +31(0)162-763763. Our advisers would be happy to help. You can also send us a message using the form shown below. In many cases, we will be able to contact you the same day.
Contact us, we will gladly help you!