A professional journal for the roof industry has devoted significant attention to a safe and healthy working environment within which to perform maintenance work on roofs and roof-mounted equipment. In the article, entitled 'Fall prevention in practice', the requirements and guidelines for a safe work environment are addressed in detail.
The topic of impact resistance (safety from falling through a surface) is one of those addressed in this article. In order to create a safe working environment on the roof, roof access hatches - as well as skylights - need to be manufactured with a good impact resistance and weight bearing properties. It goes without saying that the Staka roof access hatches satisfy these requirements, helping to guarantee a safe working environment.
Both the roof access hatches with and without windows contribute to a safe work environment. The products don't merely offer protection against falling into or through them, but in combination with a ladder or staircase the roof access hatches offer comfortable and safe roof access, ensuring that not only the work environment is safe but that the roof access route is safe too, for you and your staff/client.